
Showing posts from May, 2018

Marketing Positioning

What is marketing positioning? Positioning in marketing is a concept that outlines what businesses should do to market their product or service to their customers. Positioning creates an image for the product or service based on the audience. The better your positioning strategy, the more effective your marketing strategy is for your business. This elevates your marketing efforts and helps a consumer move from knowing about the product or service to actually purchasing. Here are a few examples on positioning! First, target demographics. Products and services are meant to appeal to a specific group of people. You need to know who you want to appeal to. Ask yourself questions like ‘What is the age of consumers that my product would attract the most?’ or ‘Where are most of my consumers located?’. Second comes having a low-price strategy. Pricing is a big deal to a lot of consumers. It is a consideration factor that if it’s too much, consumers wouldn’t purchase. Y...

Voice Search Marketing

What is voice search? If you’re an apple user then Siri would sound very familiar to you. If you’re an android user, then maybe Cortana, Alexa or even Echo. Voice search refers to your mobile or desktop personal assistant that is activated through speaking, voice.   Who uses voice search? Technology has advanced so much within the past decade. Hence, we are now able to directly talk to our phones to get a directions on Google map, jot down a task to do later, call a friend and many more. Just by speaking. So who uses this function? A vast majority of teenagers to people in their early forties uses voice search in their daily activities. How does voice search and SEO relate? Digital marketing is all about generating leads and converting them to potential customers be it via voice search or a text based search. To grow from that, digital marketing must be optimised for the effect of voice search on SEO. Let’s say you’d like to find out when Obama’s bir...

Affiliate Marketing

What is affiliate marketing? If getting a passive income is your goal then affiliate marketing is for you! Affiliate marketing works in a sense where if you were to market a product through an affiliate network, and someone purchases the product through your own marketing abilities, you earn a commission. There really are no limits to this.   How does it become a passive income? Let’s imagine the affiliate network as a family tree. For instance, your grandfather sold a product from his father to your father. Your grandad earns a commission through that sale. Now your dad markets the product to your mother and you. Your dad AND your grandad now earns a commission. Did you get that? Well if you noticed, your grandad earned a commission through the sale YOUR dad did through his own efforts. Your grandfather has now earned a passive income through your dad. Now imagine that affiliate network growing and soon you wouldn’t even have to lift a finger! Here are ...

Influencer Marketing

Who or what is an influencer? An influencer is an individual who has a following in a particular niche, that has the power to influence their followers towards a particular brand, product to service. The majority of these influencers fall into 4 distinct categories, celebrities, industry experts, bloggers and content creators, and lastly, micro influencers aka. Everyday people who have become known of their knowledge on a niche area. Nowadays, individuals as such come in handy as social relationship assets to brands that result in a collaboration to achieve their marketing objectives. It’s a win-win situation. Why?   So how does it work? Many of these collaborations benefit both sides. For one, the influencer (provided they love the brand and the products/services they are offer) gets samples or even full-sized items in return for their reviews on the products/services received. And for the company, they have unlocked a possible interest or awareness to the in...