
Showing posts from June, 2018

How Does Video Marketing Work On Youtube?

Video marketing means using videos to market your content. Be it promoting your company, product or service. It is an integrated marketing communications plan designed to increase audience engagement through social activity.   How does it work on Youtube? Youtube makes a powerful marketing tool today. So how does Youtube and video marketing go together? Have you noticed the ad that plays before a video starts or the ad that plays in between? Youtubers, once they have reached a certain view count and met with Youtube’s criterias, are allowed to monetise their videos. With that monetisation comes ads. A vast majority of companies often sponsor or even collaborate with a Youtuber for a review on Youtube, many of which is successful in gaining engagement between the Youtuber’s subscribers and the company. This is an example of video marketing on Youtube.   There are many ways where video marketing can be done. A Youtuber may be asked to travel the world...

Best Ways To Use Instagram As A Marketing Tool

Instagram has definitely made a name for itself as one of the largest social networks today! Anyone and everyone can sign up and register for an account. Most of all, this social network is free! Instagram started off by allowing users to only post pictures, as years went by, they have updated the functionality of the app countless of times to what Instagram is today. We now have InstaStories, InstaMessages, we can upload multiple photos and videos and many more. We even have a full blown range of filters! As Instagram progressed, its users progressed along with it and many used it to sell items and promote services. Soon Instagram became the network with the highest engagement rate compared to other social networks.   How to use Instagram as a Marketing Tool? Well, first of all. Ads. What’s new? Use this network to its fullest potential by engaging with a highly targeted audience. The platform comes with great advertising features and even a business accoun...

What is Google AdWords and How Does It Work?

What is Google AdWords? Google AdWords is Google’s online advertising service where advertisers pay to advertise on Google platforms such as Google+, Youtube, Gmail and also affiliated content sites such as Lowyat and Malaysiakini.   Here’s an explanation on how it works! So, Google AdWords work like this. What you do is that you pick out some keywords that your customer may use to search on Google, then your advert will appear on the search engine results page based on those keywords that your customers have included. Of course, your company won’t be the only one trying to put up an ad in hope of a possible customer, there will always be another company in your same field using similar keywords to you. So how do you stand out from them? Google AdWords allow bidding where you would have to bid against others based on how much you’re willing to pay every time a potential customer clicks on your ad. Keep in mind that the more you decide to pay per click, hig...

Tips on How to Make Your Website Relevant to Your Clients

Websites are the flyers of the 21st century. It is almost unlikely to come across businesses, especially big-timers, who operate without a website. Of course small old home-grown businesses may not have websites but to your surprise, you’d find that many of them do. Websites are important when it comes to updating your customers or potential customers with the latest promotions, the latest news in the industry, your company’s details and contact details or even if there is a job vacancy. It has become a platform where communication takes place between consumer and business. It is clearly proven that websites are essential for a business to run. So, what makes it relevant? How do you make the best website suited to your customers? Here are a few tips! Keep your content interesting, relevant and up-to-date! Have a consistent schedule of uploading quality content which improves your engagement with your readers that will keep returning to your site for the latest...

How to Generate Good Quality Leads with Influencer Marketing

What is Influencer Marketing? An influencer is an individual who has a following in a particular niche, that has the power to influence their followers towards a particular brand, product to service. Nowadays, individuals as such come in handy as social relationship assets to brands that result in a collaboration to achieve their marketing objectives. It’s a win-win situation. How does Influencer Marketing generate leads? Here are a few ways where Influencer Marketing may help you with a successful lead generation. In an era where social media is where everyone else is at, social media influencers may just be the people that your company needs! A social media influencer in a similar field of reach as your target audience is the best choice as their followers follow them solely for the content they produce and the recommendations that they give.   Let’s say for example, a fitness influencer promotes your product of a protein shake that helps improve their...

Best Strategies for Cloud Marketing

What is Cloud Marketing? Cloud Marketing is a way to put all of a company’s online marketing efforts under an umbrella term. Unlike the traditional print, television and radio marketing, cloud marketing has allowed brands and companies to connect with their customers more personally, be it through an online site or even on social media. Out with the old and in with the new! There are two different types of online applications for cloud marketing, media and tools. Media comprises of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, your company’s website and more whereas tools consist of Google Analytics, Constant Contact, Sales Force, Google Social Reports and stuff like that. Notice the difference? One of the main challenges with Cloud Marketing is to coordinate your marketing efforts across the different platforms available to you. Benefits of Cloud Marketing Cloud marketing is cheap, quick and custom to you. Say goodbye to spending money on print, Cloud Marketing is effortless...

B2C Marketing and its Importance

What is B2C Marketing? B2C stands for Business to Consumer Marketing. This refers to a company’s strategy on targeting individuals that look for services or everyday products based on their feeling of spontaneous need. B2C marketing also costs less as companies do not need to invest in softwares and office space. Compared to Business to Business (B2B) marketing, B2C marketing’s customers purchase on emotion compared to asking themselves why they need it or whether it is worth the purchase, therefore consumers have a purchase on impulse where not much thought was allocated on the spend. What are the benefits of B2C Marketing and how is it important? One of the obvious benefits is that B2C Marketing does not require consumers to physically get our of their homes, drive to a shop and make a physical purchase. Consumers get to purchase what they want, when they want it in the comfort of their own homes. It’ll only take a couple of minutes and a few finger movement...

How to have a good Call To Action (CTA) Marketing

What does Call to Action (CTA) mean? Call to Action is simply a marketing technique to prompt customers to carry out a certain action. For example, the phrase ‘Sign Up Now!’ attempts to persuade customers to sign up for a program or even a newsletter. Now a CTA may not sound or look important but it sure does make a big difference in your conversions, revenue, business and profits! Here’s how to have a good Call to Action Marketing! First of all, always keep in mind who you’re calling in to action. What’s your customer base and how would you like them to respond to your page or ad. A conversion is when a customer successfully responds to your CTA efforts and that is when you know that you have a successful CTA too! Now, let’s pay more attention to how you’re displaying your CTA button. The three most important keys to a good CTA is knowing the best placement, design and phrase for it. Don’t think that having more than one CTA button on your page is a bad thing. Inc...