Chamrun Digital Launched Fundraising Campaigns For MyFundAction Winter Mission 3.0 : Winter Campaign Propping Up Those In Syria , Palestine And Lebanon.

      Credits to Chamrun Creators

MyFundAction or also formerly alluded as the Yayasan Dana Kebajikan Muslim Malaysia is a registered and an active NGO focus solely on development of youth.MyFundAction are worldwide operating with the headquarters' in Malaysia as well as the other branches located in southwestern Pacific Ocean (New Zealand), Mediterranean country (Egypt) , Indonesia, African continent and in Japan.MyFundAction’s predominant mission is to develop a new leadership world amongst youth on the best forum.

As a result the crew have achieved their crowning accomplishment where 90% of the 2000 members and volunteers are youth.The Winter Mission 3.0  campaign has been under way to fundraise to get provisions as food to satisfy their hunger , briquette, winter aid box and many other more.
Most friends questioned Chamrun's contribution to this Winter Project ? Chamrun Digital is an IT agency with branches across Cyberjaya (Malaysia), Sydney (Australia) and Newcastle companies (UK). Founded in 2015, we established an immersive digital marketing platform for multichannel applicants to a sales platform and also to deliver a high conversion rate to our clients. 

Through times of all life, the person looks at himself and seeks to do anything to render his soul happy and satisfied.Why not take this moment to contribute any amount of money to the needful people.The entire crew holds this phrase

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”

Muhammad Ali .

A click of both Chamrun Digital and MyFundAction team.

                                                                                                Let's donate to the needy 


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