Video Marketing

What is video marketing?

To simply put it, video marketing means using videos to market your content. Be it promoting your  company, product or service. It is an integrated marketing communications plan designed to increase audience engagement through social activity. 

The digital landscape has changed so much in the past few years and this is where video marketing comes in handy. People are constantly engaged on their mobile phones, scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, Linked-IN, Instagram and many more social media sites. What do you think they see? Images and videos! People nowadays do not have the time to scroll through floor length posts while multitasking.

Videos on the other hand are one of the most efficient ways of engaging a person hence, video marketing! According to a 2013 UK study, online videos are far more engaging than a text article, reporting adults are more likely to share, comment and ‘like’ online videos over a basic text blog. Plus when someone finds your content engaging, with the help of social media, sharing that video is just a click away. With every share, this enables your video to be seen by a bigger audience each time.

So what makes a video engaging? Keep it short and sweet! Get your creative juices flowing along with your marketing points. Here at Chamrun Digital, we will guide you with predictable, scalable and cost-effective traffic and lead flow for your company.


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