Why Landing Pages Are Important To Increase Your Conversion

What are landing pages?

A landing page is a webpage someone lands on after clicking on a call-to-action button. They are standalone pages that are dedicated to a specific marketing campaign. How are landing pages different from the usual homepage of your website? Well, landing pages usually have one specific purpose leading you to complete one specific task for example, filling in your details in order to receive a free printable, compared to the homepage of your website that allows you to do a bunch of things along with all the distractions of other call-to-action buttons.

How does it increase your conversion?

Landing pages limit themselves to have only one call-to-action button. This keeps the person’s focus on a specific topic. There is a type of landing page called the Lead Generation Landing Page specifically designed with the purpose of collecting lead data such as names and email addresses. Once your call-to-action button on your landing page is clicked, congratulations for you have just connected with a new potential customer. This is where you get their contact details and are able to follow-up with them.

What do you do once you’ve closed a sale from a landing page?

Make the most of this moment while everything’s still fresh. Your confirmation page or thank you page is an opportunity to extend your conversion. Include a link to your website, to download something useful or even a similar product to sell. Remember not to waste such opportunities!


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